Lokomotivfabrik der StEG

In 1839 the Lokomotivfabrik der StEG became the first Austro-Hungarian locomotive works to be founded and it produced many influential locomotive designs. The factory was built in 1839 by the Vienna-Raab Railway between the Vienna Südbahnhof and Vienna Ostbahnhof and stocked with machinery, much of which was from England. The first locomotives and coaches were built in 1840 based on American prototypes. These were also the first railway vehicles to be built in Austria. The manufacture of railway vehicles was difficult because at that time in Austria there were still no iron foundries and none of the workers had the training for this type of work.

Lokomotivfabrik der StEG

In 1839 the Lokomotivfabrik der StEG became the first Austro-Hungarian locomotive works to be founded and it produced many influential locomotive designs. The factory was built in 1839 by the Vienna-Raab Railway between the Vienna Südbahnhof and Vienna Ostbahnhof and stocked with machinery, much of which was from England. The first locomotives and coaches were built in 1840 based on American prototypes. These were also the first railway vehicles to be built in Austria. The manufacture of railway vehicles was difficult because at that time in Austria there were still no iron foundries and none of the workers had the training for this type of work.