London Friend

London Friend was separated from CHE in 1975 and then obtained premises in Upper Street, temporarily in Seven Sisters Road, and later in Caledonian Road. The Caledonian Road premises were reported by January 2011 to be under threat and an appeal was launched to safeguard the building. During 2012, as a result of the appeal, and also additional funding following a merger with another charity, London Friend was able to purchase the property. Meanwhile continued expansion has meant that additional space is now being used at the GMFA office elsewhere in Islington.

London Friend

London Friend was separated from CHE in 1975 and then obtained premises in Upper Street, temporarily in Seven Sisters Road, and later in Caledonian Road. The Caledonian Road premises were reported by January 2011 to be under threat and an appeal was launched to safeguard the building. During 2012, as a result of the appeal, and also additional funding following a merger with another charity, London Friend was able to purchase the property. Meanwhile continued expansion has meant that additional space is now being used at the GMFA office elsewhere in Islington.