Ludum Dare

Ludum Dare (LD) (from Latin "to give a game", formerly Ludum Dare 48 (LD48), also referenced as LDJAM) is an accelerated video game development competition. It was founded by Geoff Howland and was first held in April 2002. Participants are required to create a video game that fits within a given theme in two days. A unique feature of this competition is that participants often release a time-lapse video of the development of their game.

Ludum Dare

Ludum Dare (LD) (from Latin "to give a game", formerly Ludum Dare 48 (LD48), also referenced as LDJAM) is an accelerated video game development competition. It was founded by Geoff Howland and was first held in April 2002. Participants are required to create a video game that fits within a given theme in two days. A unique feature of this competition is that participants often release a time-lapse video of the development of their game.