Lulu (app)

Lulu (formerly Luluvise) is a mobile app available for iOS and Android that allows female users to make positive and negative evaluations of male users on the basis of their romantic, personal, and sexual appeal. The app allows only female users to access the evaluation system, and evaluations made through the app are attached publicly and anonymously. The New York Times described the service as a "'Take Back the Internet' moment for young women who have come of age in an era of revenge porn and anonymous, possibly ominous suitors". Lulu was sold to Badoo in 2016.

Lulu (app)

Lulu (formerly Luluvise) is a mobile app available for iOS and Android that allows female users to make positive and negative evaluations of male users on the basis of their romantic, personal, and sexual appeal. The app allows only female users to access the evaluation system, and evaluations made through the app are attached publicly and anonymously. The New York Times described the service as a "'Take Back the Internet' moment for young women who have come of age in an era of revenge porn and anonymous, possibly ominous suitors". Lulu was sold to Badoo in 2016.