MCEM 2 submachine gun

MCEM-2 (Machine Carbine Experimental Model 2) submachine gun was produced only in prototype form, but was one of the very first submachine guns to combine wrap-around bolt and magazine in pistol grip, features later copied in the Czechoslovak Sa vz. 23, Israeli Uzi and a great number of other submachine guns. MCEM-2 was the second prototype in a line of experimental submachine guns, designed in Britain in 1944. It was envisioned as a possible replacement for the STEN submachine gun then in service. The MCEM-2 was developed by Jerzy Podsedkowski, a Polish constructor involved in work on Vis and Mors, who fled from occupied Poland to Britain. It is believed that prototypes of MCEM-2 were made before the end of WW2, and its derivatives MCEM-4 and MCEM-6 were tested soon after the war. The lat

MCEM 2 submachine gun

MCEM-2 (Machine Carbine Experimental Model 2) submachine gun was produced only in prototype form, but was one of the very first submachine guns to combine wrap-around bolt and magazine in pistol grip, features later copied in the Czechoslovak Sa vz. 23, Israeli Uzi and a great number of other submachine guns. MCEM-2 was the second prototype in a line of experimental submachine guns, designed in Britain in 1944. It was envisioned as a possible replacement for the STEN submachine gun then in service. The MCEM-2 was developed by Jerzy Podsedkowski, a Polish constructor involved in work on Vis and Mors, who fled from occupied Poland to Britain. It is believed that prototypes of MCEM-2 were made before the end of WW2, and its derivatives MCEM-4 and MCEM-6 were tested soon after the war. The lat