MMR vaccine

The MMR vaccine (also known as the MPR-vaccine after the Latin names of the diseases) is an immunization vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). It is a mixture of live attenuated viruses of the three diseases, administered via injection. It was first developed by Maurice Hilleman while at Merck. It is usually considered a childhood vaccination. However, it is also recommended for use in some cases of adults with HIV.

MMR vaccine

The MMR vaccine (also known as the MPR-vaccine after the Latin names of the diseases) is an immunization vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). It is a mixture of live attenuated viruses of the three diseases, administered via injection. It was first developed by Maurice Hilleman while at Merck. It is usually considered a childhood vaccination. However, it is also recommended for use in some cases of adults with HIV.