Magical Date

Magical Date (まじかるで〜と Majikaru Dēto) is a skill game and dating sim published by Taito in 1996 for arcade and PlayStation. In this game, the player picks one of three possible girls to date and then starts off in a square as in a board game, proceeding to other squares which have different mini games. At junction points the player is asked questions about their date and has to pick the correct answer, or she will become upset.

Magical Date

Magical Date (まじかるで〜と Majikaru Dēto) is a skill game and dating sim published by Taito in 1996 for arcade and PlayStation. In this game, the player picks one of three possible girls to date and then starts off in a square as in a board game, proceeding to other squares which have different mini games. At junction points the player is asked questions about their date and has to pick the correct answer, or she will become upset.