Major Occultation

The Major Occultation (Arabic:الغيبة الکبريAl-Ghaybah al-Kubra) according to Shia is Mahdi's second occultation after his first occultation. According to Twelvers the Major occultation which came around 329/941 is still in effect, and will not end until the End of Time when the Mahdi, is believed to come back to reestablish Justice on earth.

Major Occultation

The Major Occultation (Arabic:الغيبة الکبريAl-Ghaybah al-Kubra) according to Shia is Mahdi's second occultation after his first occultation. According to Twelvers the Major occultation which came around 329/941 is still in effect, and will not end until the End of Time when the Mahdi, is believed to come back to reestablish Justice on earth.