Makah Museum

The Makah Museum also known as the Makah Cultural and Research Center is an archaeological and anthropological museum on the Makah Indian reservation in Neah Bay, Washington. It houses and interprets artifacts from the Ozette Indian Village Archeological Site, a Makah village partly buried by a mudslide at Lake Ozette around 1750, providing a snapshot of pre-contact tribal life. The museum includes a replica long house and thousands of artifacts of interest to academics and laypeople, including canoes, basketry, whaling and fishing gear.

Makah Museum

The Makah Museum also known as the Makah Cultural and Research Center is an archaeological and anthropological museum on the Makah Indian reservation in Neah Bay, Washington. It houses and interprets artifacts from the Ozette Indian Village Archeological Site, a Makah village partly buried by a mudslide at Lake Ozette around 1750, providing a snapshot of pre-contact tribal life. The museum includes a replica long house and thousands of artifacts of interest to academics and laypeople, including canoes, basketry, whaling and fishing gear.