Makassan contact with Australia

Makassan trepangers from the southwest corner of Sulawesi, Indonesia visited the coast of northern Australia "from at least the eighteenth century" to collect and process trepang (also known as sea cucumber), a marine invertebrate prized for its culinary and medicinal values in Chinese markets. The term Makassan (or Macassan) is generally used to apply to all the trepangers who came to Australia, although some were from other islands in the Indonesian Archipelago, including Timor, Rote and Aru.

Makassan contact with Australia

Makassan trepangers from the southwest corner of Sulawesi, Indonesia visited the coast of northern Australia "from at least the eighteenth century" to collect and process trepang (also known as sea cucumber), a marine invertebrate prized for its culinary and medicinal values in Chinese markets. The term Makassan (or Macassan) is generally used to apply to all the trepangers who came to Australia, although some were from other islands in the Indonesian Archipelago, including Timor, Rote and Aru.