Mann family

The Mann family is a German Hanseatic family, members of the small ruling class of the city republic of Lübeck. The family's most famous member is Nobel Prize for Literature laureate Thomas Mann, who portrayed his own family and social class in the novel Buddenbrooks. The family became part of the commercial elite of Lübeck from the late 18th century. In 1877, Thomas Mann's father Thomas Johann Heinrich Mann was elected Senator of Lübeck (corresponding to Minister of Finance in other German states).

Mann family

The Mann family is a German Hanseatic family, members of the small ruling class of the city republic of Lübeck. The family's most famous member is Nobel Prize for Literature laureate Thomas Mann, who portrayed his own family and social class in the novel Buddenbrooks. The family became part of the commercial elite of Lübeck from the late 18th century. In 1877, Thomas Mann's father Thomas Johann Heinrich Mann was elected Senator of Lübeck (corresponding to Minister of Finance in other German states).