Marche Henri IV

"Marche Henri IV," alternatively "Vive Henri IV" or "Vive le roi Henri" is a popular French song celebrating King Henri IV of France (also known as Le Bon Roi Henri, "Good King Henry"). The melody comes from Thoinot Arbeau's work Orchesographie; it is the 'Branle Couppé' "Cassandre". The words to Marche Henri IV were written around 1590 and refers to the first Bourbon King of France, Henry IV (Henry III of Navarre), who had ended the Wars of Religion and restored peace to France (hence his sobriquet).

Marche Henri IV

"Marche Henri IV," alternatively "Vive Henri IV" or "Vive le roi Henri" is a popular French song celebrating King Henri IV of France (also known as Le Bon Roi Henri, "Good King Henry"). The melody comes from Thoinot Arbeau's work Orchesographie; it is the 'Branle Couppé' "Cassandre". The words to Marche Henri IV were written around 1590 and refers to the first Bourbon King of France, Henry IV (Henry III of Navarre), who had ended the Wars of Religion and restored peace to France (hence his sobriquet).