Mardil Voronwë

In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Mardil Voronwë was the first Ruling Steward of Gondor. Mardil 'the Faithful' was born in T.A. 1960. The position of Steward was already hereditary since the days of his grandfather Pelendur and Mardil inherited the title of Steward from his father Vorondil the Hunter in T.A. 2029. He was Steward during the last part of the reign of King Eärnil II and throughout the reign of Eärnur, Eärnil's son. Mardil ruled Gondor with a steady hand and earned the nickname Voronwë, which means "the Steadfast" in Quenya.

Mardil Voronwë

In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Mardil Voronwë was the first Ruling Steward of Gondor. Mardil 'the Faithful' was born in T.A. 1960. The position of Steward was already hereditary since the days of his grandfather Pelendur and Mardil inherited the title of Steward from his father Vorondil the Hunter in T.A. 2029. He was Steward during the last part of the reign of King Eärnil II and throughout the reign of Eärnur, Eärnil's son. Mardil ruled Gondor with a steady hand and earned the nickname Voronwë, which means "the Steadfast" in Quenya.