
Masshiro (まっしろ, English title "Nurses of the Palace") is a Japanese television drama series created by Yumiko Inoue. She wrote the screenplay based on her own experiences of her father being in hospital. Maki Horikita played the lead role as a nurse. It premiered on TBS on 13 January 2015, and concluded 17 March 2015, airing 10 episodes.


Masshiro (まっしろ, English title "Nurses of the Palace") is a Japanese television drama series created by Yumiko Inoue. She wrote the screenplay based on her own experiences of her father being in hospital. Maki Horikita played the lead role as a nurse. It premiered on TBS on 13 January 2015, and concluded 17 March 2015, airing 10 episodes.