Matthew (ship)

This ship 'The Matthew' is a replica of the caravel ship sailed by John Cabot in 1497 from Bristol to North America. The replica was built between 1994 and 1996, and in 1997 at the 500th year anniversary, the new Matthew followed the same course as John Cabot's ship did in 1497, and sailed across to Newfoundland. (Canada). The crew consisted in each era of only 18 people. Landfall the first time apparently was indeed to a 'Newfoundland' as the intention was to reach Asia; though controversy exists about this. Cabot was the original discoverer of North America, not Christopher Columbus, (Though the Vikings predate this period it is believed, much more came of the discoveries of Cabot and Columbus).

Matthew (ship)

This ship 'The Matthew' is a replica of the caravel ship sailed by John Cabot in 1497 from Bristol to North America. The replica was built between 1994 and 1996, and in 1997 at the 500th year anniversary, the new Matthew followed the same course as John Cabot's ship did in 1497, and sailed across to Newfoundland. (Canada). The crew consisted in each era of only 18 people. Landfall the first time apparently was indeed to a 'Newfoundland' as the intention was to reach Asia; though controversy exists about this. Cabot was the original discoverer of North America, not Christopher Columbus, (Though the Vikings predate this period it is believed, much more came of the discoveries of Cabot and Columbus).