Metal Wolf Chaos

Metal Wolf Chaos (メタル ウルフ カオス Metaru Urufu Kaosu) is a third-person shooter video game developed and published by FromSoftware, released for the Xbox in Japan on December 22, 2004. The game revolves around a fictitious President of the United States named Michael Wilson. Using a suit of powered armor named Metal Wolf, he battles forces who have taken over his country in a coup d'état, including his nemesis, Vice President Richard Hawk. Although released exclusively in Japan, Metal Wolf Chaos has full English voice acting.

Metal Wolf Chaos

Metal Wolf Chaos (メタル ウルフ カオス Metaru Urufu Kaosu) is a third-person shooter video game developed and published by FromSoftware, released for the Xbox in Japan on December 22, 2004. The game revolves around a fictitious President of the United States named Michael Wilson. Using a suit of powered armor named Metal Wolf, he battles forces who have taken over his country in a coup d'état, including his nemesis, Vice President Richard Hawk. Although released exclusively in Japan, Metal Wolf Chaos has full English voice acting.