Milk-cream strudel

The milk-cream strudel (Viennese: Millirahmstrudel, German: Milchrahmstrudel) is a traditional Viennese strudel. It is a popular pastry in Austria and in many countries in Europe that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian empire (1867–1918). The milk-cream strudel is an oven-baked pastry dough stuffed with a sweet bread, raisin and cream filling and served in the pan with hot vanilla sauce.

Milk-cream strudel

The milk-cream strudel (Viennese: Millirahmstrudel, German: Milchrahmstrudel) is a traditional Viennese strudel. It is a popular pastry in Austria and in many countries in Europe that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian empire (1867–1918). The milk-cream strudel is an oven-baked pastry dough stuffed with a sweet bread, raisin and cream filling and served in the pan with hot vanilla sauce.