Monastery of St. Melania the Roman

The Monastery of St. Melania the Roman (Serbian: Манастир Свете Меланије Римљанке, Manastir Svete Melanije Rimljanke) is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in the northeastern part of the city of Zrenjanin, in northern Serbia. It was founded in 1935 by the Bishop of Banat, Georgije Letić, built in the Byzantine ecclesiastical style. It was the first female monastery in Banat. The current bishop is Nikanor.

Monastery of St. Melania the Roman

The Monastery of St. Melania the Roman (Serbian: Манастир Свете Меланије Римљанке, Manastir Svete Melanije Rimljanke) is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in the northeastern part of the city of Zrenjanin, in northern Serbia. It was founded in 1935 by the Bishop of Banat, Georgije Letić, built in the Byzantine ecclesiastical style. It was the first female monastery in Banat. The current bishop is Nikanor.