Montreal Carabins women's ice hockey

The Montreal Carabins women's ice hockey team defend the colors of the Université de Montréal and are members of the Quebec Student Sports Federation (RSEQ), and compete for the Canadian Interuniversity Sport women's ice hockey championship. One Carabins player have participated internationally, including the World Student Games. Home games are contested at l'aréna du CEPSUM. In addition, the Women's ice hockey team are connected to the club Montreal Carabins.

Montreal Carabins women's ice hockey

The Montreal Carabins women's ice hockey team defend the colors of the Université de Montréal and are members of the Quebec Student Sports Federation (RSEQ), and compete for the Canadian Interuniversity Sport women's ice hockey championship. One Carabins player have participated internationally, including the World Student Games. Home games are contested at l'aréna du CEPSUM. In addition, the Women's ice hockey team are connected to the club Montreal Carabins.