Moonshadow (song)

"Moonshadow" is a song from the album Teaser and the Firecat, released by Cat Stevens in 1971. Stevens, who is now known as Yusuf Islam, considers this his favourite of his old songs. It is one of the songs that convinced him to release a Greatest Hits record of his work as Cat Stevens. He felt its uplifting message could help people. In May 2012, Moonshadow, a new musical by Yusuf, featuring music from throughout his career, opened at the Princess Theatre in Melbourne, Australia. The show received mixed reviews and closed four weeks early.

Moonshadow (song)

"Moonshadow" is a song from the album Teaser and the Firecat, released by Cat Stevens in 1971. Stevens, who is now known as Yusuf Islam, considers this his favourite of his old songs. It is one of the songs that convinced him to release a Greatest Hits record of his work as Cat Stevens. He felt its uplifting message could help people. In May 2012, Moonshadow, a new musical by Yusuf, featuring music from throughout his career, opened at the Princess Theatre in Melbourne, Australia. The show received mixed reviews and closed four weeks early.