Morava Airport

(For other uses, see Kraljevo Airport.) Morava Airport (Serbian: Аеродром Mopaвa / Aerodrom Morava) (ICAO: LYKV), also known as Lađevci Airport (Serbian: Aеродром Лађевци / Aerodrom Lađevci), is a part public and part military airport in Lađevci near the city of Kraljevo, Serbia. Upon construction of the new civilian terminal, the airport has been divided into two distinct parts. The airbase for the Serbian Air Force has kept the name Lađevci whereas the new civilian terminal bears the name Morava Airport.

Morava Airport

(For other uses, see Kraljevo Airport.) Morava Airport (Serbian: Аеродром Mopaвa / Aerodrom Morava) (ICAO: LYKV), also known as Lađevci Airport (Serbian: Aеродром Лађевци / Aerodrom Lađevci), is a part public and part military airport in Lađevci near the city of Kraljevo, Serbia. Upon construction of the new civilian terminal, the airport has been divided into two distinct parts. The airbase for the Serbian Air Force has kept the name Lađevci whereas the new civilian terminal bears the name Morava Airport.