Mountain Air Cargo

Mountain Air Cargo is a cargo airline based in Denver, North Carolina. It is a major contract carrier for FedEx Express, operating in the eastern United States and the Caribbean. MAC is one of the largest feeder airlines in the United States. Previous operations in South America have been discontinued by FedEx who now operate jet aircraft in that area. Its main maintenance facility is at Kinston Regional Jetport. All of the ATR and C208 aircraft operated by Mountain Air are owned by Fedex Express, and are operated by MAC on a "dry lease" basis.

Mountain Air Cargo

Mountain Air Cargo is a cargo airline based in Denver, North Carolina. It is a major contract carrier for FedEx Express, operating in the eastern United States and the Caribbean. MAC is one of the largest feeder airlines in the United States. Previous operations in South America have been discontinued by FedEx who now operate jet aircraft in that area. Its main maintenance facility is at Kinston Regional Jetport. All of the ATR and C208 aircraft operated by Mountain Air are owned by Fedex Express, and are operated by MAC on a "dry lease" basis.