My Musical

"My Musical" is a musical episode of the American comedy-drama television series Scrubs. It is the 123rd episode of the show, and was originally aired as episode 6 of season 6 on January 18, 2007. The episode follows the story of Patti Miller, (Stephanie D'Abruzzo), a patient who mysteriously starts hearing everyone's speech as singing. It was written by Debra Fordham, who also wrote most of the lyrics. The episode's music was composed by Fordham, Scrubs' resident composer Jan Stevens, The Worthless Peons' Paul Perry, Tony Award-winning Broadway orchestrator Doug Besterman, and the Avenue Q writing team of Jeff Marx and Robert Lopez. The episode was directed by Will Mackenzie.

My Musical

"My Musical" is a musical episode of the American comedy-drama television series Scrubs. It is the 123rd episode of the show, and was originally aired as episode 6 of season 6 on January 18, 2007. The episode follows the story of Patti Miller, (Stephanie D'Abruzzo), a patient who mysteriously starts hearing everyone's speech as singing. It was written by Debra Fordham, who also wrote most of the lyrics. The episode's music was composed by Fordham, Scrubs' resident composer Jan Stevens, The Worthless Peons' Paul Perry, Tony Award-winning Broadway orchestrator Doug Besterman, and the Avenue Q writing team of Jeff Marx and Robert Lopez. The episode was directed by Will Mackenzie.