Naked Angels

Naked Angels is a 1969 outlaw biker film, directed by Bruce D. Clark. Starring Michael Greene as Mother, Jennifer Gan as Marlene and Richard Rust as Fingers. Later documentary director Penelope Spheeris is a cast member in her first appearance as an actress. Actor Corey Fischer also appears in the cast. The distributor of this film called "Favorite Films" started out in business in 1913 during the era of silent movies. They distributed 160 films in the USA. Naked Angels was the last film distributed by Favorite Films.

Naked Angels

Naked Angels is a 1969 outlaw biker film, directed by Bruce D. Clark. Starring Michael Greene as Mother, Jennifer Gan as Marlene and Richard Rust as Fingers. Later documentary director Penelope Spheeris is a cast member in her first appearance as an actress. Actor Corey Fischer also appears in the cast. The distributor of this film called "Favorite Films" started out in business in 1913 during the era of silent movies. They distributed 160 films in the USA. Naked Angels was the last film distributed by Favorite Films.