nanoCAD is a CAD software application for 2D design and drafting, developed and sold by Russia-based software company ZAO "Nanosoft". There are two versions: commercial version (nanoCAD Plus) and free version (nanoCAD). nanoCAD was first released in July 2008. The software has AutoCAD-like interface and directly supports the format DWG (using the Teigha libraries™, developer of the Open Design Alliance). nanoCAD is a direct competitor to AutoCAD.


nanoCAD is a CAD software application for 2D design and drafting, developed and sold by Russia-based software company ZAO "Nanosoft". There are two versions: commercial version (nanoCAD Plus) and free version (nanoCAD). nanoCAD was first released in July 2008. The software has AutoCAD-like interface and directly supports the format DWG (using the Teigha libraries™, developer of the Open Design Alliance). nanoCAD is a direct competitor to AutoCAD.