National Accident Helpline

National Accident Helpline is a UK-based personal injury company providing personal injury claims advice, service and support to consumers who have suffered a no-fault accident. National Accident Helpline is part of the NAHL Group PLC and is run on a for-profit basis. NAHL and its panel of solicitors process compensation claims on a no win no fee agreement, removing the financial risk from making a claim. Any solicitor fees are then taken from a claimant's compensation if they win.

National Accident Helpline

National Accident Helpline is a UK-based personal injury company providing personal injury claims advice, service and support to consumers who have suffered a no-fault accident. National Accident Helpline is part of the NAHL Group PLC and is run on a for-profit basis. NAHL and its panel of solicitors process compensation claims on a no win no fee agreement, removing the financial risk from making a claim. Any solicitor fees are then taken from a claimant's compensation if they win.