National Committee of the Republic of Estonia

The National Committee of the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariigi Rahvuskomitee, EVRK) was formed by the underground resistance movements in German-occupied Estonia in March 1944. By April 1944 a large number of the committee members were arrested by the German security agencies. The Committee succeeded in establishing a communication network with the Estonian diplomats in Finland and Sweden. On 12 January 1953, the Estonian Government in Exile was established in Oslo, Norway.

National Committee of the Republic of Estonia

The National Committee of the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariigi Rahvuskomitee, EVRK) was formed by the underground resistance movements in German-occupied Estonia in March 1944. By April 1944 a large number of the committee members were arrested by the German security agencies. The Committee succeeded in establishing a communication network with the Estonian diplomats in Finland and Sweden. On 12 January 1953, the Estonian Government in Exile was established in Oslo, Norway.