New Albion

New Albion, also known as Nova Albion, was the name of all North America north of Mexico, from "sea to sea," claimed by Sir Francis Drake for England in 1579. The extent of New Albion and the location of Drake's port have long been debated by historians, with most believing that he came ashore in the Bay Area on the coast of northern California. Albion, "the white", is an archaic name for the island of Great Britain. The name refers to the White Cliffs of Dover.

New Albion

New Albion, also known as Nova Albion, was the name of all North America north of Mexico, from "sea to sea," claimed by Sir Francis Drake for England in 1579. The extent of New Albion and the location of Drake's port have long been debated by historians, with most believing that he came ashore in the Bay Area on the coast of northern California. Albion, "the white", is an archaic name for the island of Great Britain. The name refers to the White Cliffs of Dover.