New Kids Turbo

New Kids Turbo, sometimes promoted as New Kids: Turbo!, is a Dutch film based on the television series New Kids. The film premiered on 6 December 2010 and was released in all Dutch cinemas on 9 December. It broke the Dutch record for receiving the highest audience figures on the opening evening. It is Comedy Central's first film to be produced outside the United States and also Paramount Pictures' first film to be produced by Comedy Central in the Netherlands. A second New Kids movie followed in 2011: New Kids Nitro

New Kids Turbo

New Kids Turbo, sometimes promoted as New Kids: Turbo!, is a Dutch film based on the television series New Kids. The film premiered on 6 December 2010 and was released in all Dutch cinemas on 9 December. It broke the Dutch record for receiving the highest audience figures on the opening evening. It is Comedy Central's first film to be produced outside the United States and also Paramount Pictures' first film to be produced by Comedy Central in the Netherlands. A second New Kids movie followed in 2011: New Kids Nitro