Nicholas County Courthouse

The Nicholas County Courthouse in Summersville, West Virginia is a Neoclassical Revival building, designed in 1895 and not completed until 1898. The primary building material was locally-quarried Lower Gilbert Sandstone. A jail was added in 1910. A further addition was designed by Levi J. Dean in 1940 and executed by the Works Progress Administration. The addition reflects Art Deco influences.

Nicholas County Courthouse

The Nicholas County Courthouse in Summersville, West Virginia is a Neoclassical Revival building, designed in 1895 and not completed until 1898. The primary building material was locally-quarried Lower Gilbert Sandstone. A jail was added in 1910. A further addition was designed by Levi J. Dean in 1940 and executed by the Works Progress Administration. The addition reflects Art Deco influences.