Nieuwe Tijdinghen

Nieuwe Tijdinghen (in English also known as the Antwerp Gazette) is the contemporary name cataloguers and bibliographers have given to the first Flemish newspaper, which was published without a single fixed title. News was printed from across Western and Central Europe. From 15 February 1620 consecutive signatures were used on each issue, so that they could be collected and bound as a set. From 8 January 1621 issues were numbered consecutively on the front page.

Nieuwe Tijdinghen

Nieuwe Tijdinghen (in English also known as the Antwerp Gazette) is the contemporary name cataloguers and bibliographers have given to the first Flemish newspaper, which was published without a single fixed title. News was printed from across Western and Central Europe. From 15 February 1620 consecutive signatures were used on each issue, so that they could be collected and bound as a set. From 8 January 1621 issues were numbered consecutively on the front page.