Notre Dame Queer Film Festival

The Notre Dame Queer Film Festival was founded in 2004 and ran in 2005 under the same monikeor. In 2006, under pressure from a new administration led by University President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., the name of the festival was changed to Gay and Lesbian Film: Filmmakers, Narratives, Spectatorships. The 2007 incarnation of the festival again changed names to Qlassics: Reimagining Sexuality and the Self in Recent American Cinema.

Notre Dame Queer Film Festival

The Notre Dame Queer Film Festival was founded in 2004 and ran in 2005 under the same monikeor. In 2006, under pressure from a new administration led by University President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., the name of the festival was changed to Gay and Lesbian Film: Filmmakers, Narratives, Spectatorships. The 2007 incarnation of the festival again changed names to Qlassics: Reimagining Sexuality and the Self in Recent American Cinema.