OSSI-1 (standing for Open Source Satellite Initiative-1) is an amateur radio satellite launched in 2013 with Bion-M No.1. Bion-M was launched into orbit at 10:00 UTC on April 19, 2013, from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, with 6 small satellites, including OSSI-1. OSSI-1 detached from Bion-M at 16:15 UTC. OSSI-1 is a 1U CubeSat with 100mm sides, weighing 950g. It uses an arduino microcontroller, a lithium-ion battery and a J mode UHF/VHF transceiver. The satellite re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on 30 June 2013.


OSSI-1 (standing for Open Source Satellite Initiative-1) is an amateur radio satellite launched in 2013 with Bion-M No.1. Bion-M was launched into orbit at 10:00 UTC on April 19, 2013, from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, with 6 small satellites, including OSSI-1. OSSI-1 detached from Bion-M at 16:15 UTC. OSSI-1 is a 1U CubeSat with 100mm sides, weighing 950g. It uses an arduino microcontroller, a lithium-ion battery and a J mode UHF/VHF transceiver. The satellite re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on 30 June 2013.