
OldVersion.com is an archive website that stores and distributes older versions of primarily Internet-related PC and Macintosh freeware and shareware application software. Alex Levine and Igor Dolgalev founded the site in 2001. When OldVersion.com was launched it offered 80 versions of 14 programs. By 2005 over 500 versions were posted. By 28 August 2007 this had grown to 2388 versions of 179 programs, in categories such as "graphics", "file-sharing", "security" and "enterprise". The site also carries 600+ versions of 35 Macintosh programs.


OldVersion.com is an archive website that stores and distributes older versions of primarily Internet-related PC and Macintosh freeware and shareware application software. Alex Levine and Igor Dolgalev founded the site in 2001. When OldVersion.com was launched it offered 80 versions of 14 programs. By 2005 over 500 versions were posted. By 28 August 2007 this had grown to 2388 versions of 179 programs, in categories such as "graphics", "file-sharing", "security" and "enterprise". The site also carries 600+ versions of 35 Macintosh programs.