Old Murder House Theater

Old Murder House Theater (OHMT) is a theater company out of Austin, Texas recreating feature films at various venues and on tour. It was formed in 2008 by Sam Eidson and Josh Jones and adapts classics from the 1980s and 1990s. Productions have included Robocop, Predator, Aliens, Die Hard, Home Alone, Back to the Future, and Jurassic Park. The movie Aliens was adapted in a show titled Aliens on Ice. Innovative props are used and a sex scene was included in the adaptation of Jurassic Park.

Old Murder House Theater

Old Murder House Theater (OHMT) is a theater company out of Austin, Texas recreating feature films at various venues and on tour. It was formed in 2008 by Sam Eidson and Josh Jones and adapts classics from the 1980s and 1990s. Productions have included Robocop, Predator, Aliens, Die Hard, Home Alone, Back to the Future, and Jurassic Park. The movie Aliens was adapted in a show titled Aliens on Ice. Innovative props are used and a sex scene was included in the adaptation of Jurassic Park.