Old Tolland County Jail and Museum

The Old Tolland County Jail and Museum is a historic jail in Tolland, Connecticut. It is located at 52 Tolland Green. The jail was in use from 1856-1968. The Jail served as the county jail in the 19th and 20th century for criminals who were convicted of a crime or were awaiting a trial at the courthouse across the street. The jail also had a hotel in front until a fire burned it down in 1893. The hotel was used to provide hospitality to visitors who had jail related business.

Old Tolland County Jail and Museum

The Old Tolland County Jail and Museum is a historic jail in Tolland, Connecticut. It is located at 52 Tolland Green. The jail was in use from 1856-1968. The Jail served as the county jail in the 19th and 20th century for criminals who were convicted of a crime or were awaiting a trial at the courthouse across the street. The jail also had a hotel in front until a fire burned it down in 1893. The hotel was used to provide hospitality to visitors who had jail related business.