On Giants' Shoulders

On Giants' Shoulders was written in 1998 by Melvyn Bragg. The book was assembled after a series of interviews Bragg had with current scientists about the world's greatest scientists such as Archimedes, Isaac Newton and Einstein. Bragg, who brands himself as a "non-scientist", conducted these interviews on BBC Radio 4 for other non-scientists. The book looks at the notion of being a "genius" and through discussions with 20th-century scientists explores the extent to which the great scientists of history were geniuses.

On Giants' Shoulders

On Giants' Shoulders was written in 1998 by Melvyn Bragg. The book was assembled after a series of interviews Bragg had with current scientists about the world's greatest scientists such as Archimedes, Isaac Newton and Einstein. Bragg, who brands himself as a "non-scientist", conducted these interviews on BBC Radio 4 for other non-scientists. The book looks at the notion of being a "genius" and through discussions with 20th-century scientists explores the extent to which the great scientists of history were geniuses.