Ontario Universities Fair

The Ontario Universities' Fair is an annual event which promotes publicly owned universities in the Canadian province of Ontario. The first OUF was held in 1997 and has grown rapidly to accommodate more than 100,000 guests that visit over a three-day period. Each university sets up a booth in the South Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. All institutions conduct separate presentations in rooms that will accommodate up to several hundred students in each session. Many institutions will bring professors, administrators and current students to meet prospective students from the Greater Toronto Area.

Ontario Universities Fair

The Ontario Universities' Fair is an annual event which promotes publicly owned universities in the Canadian province of Ontario. The first OUF was held in 1997 and has grown rapidly to accommodate more than 100,000 guests that visit over a three-day period. Each university sets up a booth in the South Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. All institutions conduct separate presentations in rooms that will accommodate up to several hundred students in each session. Many institutions will bring professors, administrators and current students to meet prospective students from the Greater Toronto Area.