Open eBook

Open eBook (or OEB), or formally, the Open eBook Publication Structure (OEBPS), is a legacy e-book format which has been superseded by the EPUB format. It was "based primarily on technology developed by SoftBook Press". and on XML. OEB was released with a with a free version belonging to public domain and a fullversion to be used with or without DRM by the publishing industry. Open eBook is a ZIP file plus a Manifest file. Inside the package a defined subset of XHTML may be used, along with CSS and Dublin Core metadata. The default file extension is .opf (OEB Package Format).

Open eBook

Open eBook (or OEB), or formally, the Open eBook Publication Structure (OEBPS), is a legacy e-book format which has been superseded by the EPUB format. It was "based primarily on technology developed by SoftBook Press". and on XML. OEB was released with a with a free version belonging to public domain and a fullversion to be used with or without DRM by the publishing industry. Open eBook is a ZIP file plus a Manifest file. Inside the package a defined subset of XHTML may be used, along with CSS and Dublin Core metadata. The default file extension is .opf (OEB Package Format).