Operation Braganza

Operation Braganza was launched on the night of 29 September 1942 by Lieutenant General Brian Horrocks. It was intended as a preliminary to Operation Lightfoot, part of the Second Battle of El Alamein. The objective was to capture an area of ground near to Deir el Munassib in Egypt, to be used for extra artillery deployment. This would involve the 131st (Queen's) Brigade from the 44th (Home Counties) Division, supporting armour from the 4th Armoured Brigade, nine field regiments and one medium battery of artillery.

Operation Braganza

Operation Braganza was launched on the night of 29 September 1942 by Lieutenant General Brian Horrocks. It was intended as a preliminary to Operation Lightfoot, part of the Second Battle of El Alamein. The objective was to capture an area of ground near to Deir el Munassib in Egypt, to be used for extra artillery deployment. This would involve the 131st (Queen's) Brigade from the 44th (Home Counties) Division, supporting armour from the 4th Armoured Brigade, nine field regiments and one medium battery of artillery.