Operation Underworld (novel)

Operation Underworld, published in 2009, is a novel written by author Paddy Kelly. The title is taken from the real life operation instituted by the U.S. Navy in February 1942 following the false alert that German saboteurs had invaded the New York City waterfront in preparation for a possible invasion. The story is set five weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbour when America is poorly equipped to enter a world conflict. The story revolves around Mike 'Doc' McKeowen, a New York private investigator, Commander Charles Haffenden, a naval intelligence operative and Charles 'Lucky' Luciano, the then head of the New York Mafia. The World War Two episode was a common story known to New York area Italian-Americans for many years but one that had never been novelized or much written about. The c

Operation Underworld (novel)

Operation Underworld, published in 2009, is a novel written by author Paddy Kelly. The title is taken from the real life operation instituted by the U.S. Navy in February 1942 following the false alert that German saboteurs had invaded the New York City waterfront in preparation for a possible invasion. The story is set five weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbour when America is poorly equipped to enter a world conflict. The story revolves around Mike 'Doc' McKeowen, a New York private investigator, Commander Charles Haffenden, a naval intelligence operative and Charles 'Lucky' Luciano, the then head of the New York Mafia. The World War Two episode was a common story known to New York area Italian-Americans for many years but one that had never been novelized or much written about. The c