
Orchidinae is one of two subtribes of the tribe Orchideae in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) of flowering plants. It includes the following genera: * Amitostigma * Anacamptis * Androcorys * Arnottia * Bartholina * Benthamia * Bhutanthera * Bonatea * Brachycorythis * Centrostigma * Chamorchis * Cooktownia * Cynorkis * Dactylorhiza * Diplomeris * Dracomonticola * Frigidorchis * Galearis * Gennaria * Gymnadenia * Habenaria * Hemipilia * Hemipiliopsis * Herminium * Himantoglossum * Holothrix * Megalorchis * Neobolusia * Neolindleya * Neotinea * Neottianthe * Odisha * Oligophyton * Ophrys * Orchis * Pecteilis * Peristylus * Physoceras * Piperia * Platanthera * Platycoryne * Ponerorchis * Porolabium * Pseudorchis * Roeperocharis * Schizochilus * Sen


Orchidinae is one of two subtribes of the tribe Orchideae in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) of flowering plants. It includes the following genera: * Amitostigma * Anacamptis * Androcorys * Arnottia * Bartholina * Benthamia * Bhutanthera * Bonatea * Brachycorythis * Centrostigma * Chamorchis * Cooktownia * Cynorkis * Dactylorhiza * Diplomeris * Dracomonticola * Frigidorchis * Galearis * Gennaria * Gymnadenia * Habenaria * Hemipilia * Hemipiliopsis * Herminium * Himantoglossum * Holothrix * Megalorchis * Neobolusia * Neolindleya * Neotinea * Neottianthe * Odisha * Oligophyton * Ophrys * Orchis * Pecteilis * Peristylus * Physoceras * Piperia * Platanthera * Platycoryne * Ponerorchis * Porolabium * Pseudorchis * Roeperocharis * Schizochilus * Sen