Order, Law and Justice

Order, Law and Justice (Bulgarian: Ред, законност и справедливост, Red, zakonnost i spravedlivost), abbreviated to RZS, is a conservative political party in Bulgaria. Its main focus is on fighting crime and corruption. It won the minimum ten seats in the National Assembly at the 2009 election, making it the smallest of the six parties in the legislature. Later some of the deputies left the parliamentary group and it broke the minimum of ten, which inevitably made all parliamentary representatives of the party independent deputies.

Order, Law and Justice

Order, Law and Justice (Bulgarian: Ред, законност и справедливост, Red, zakonnost i spravedlivost), abbreviated to RZS, is a conservative political party in Bulgaria. Its main focus is on fighting crime and corruption. It won the minimum ten seats in the National Assembly at the 2009 election, making it the smallest of the six parties in the legislature. Later some of the deputies left the parliamentary group and it broke the minimum of ten, which inevitably made all parliamentary representatives of the party independent deputies.