Pan Book of Horror Stories

The Pan Book of Horror Stories was a paperback series of short horror story anthologies published by Pan Books Ltd. The series ran to thirty volumes, the first published in 1959. The series was initially collected and edited by Herbert Van Thal. On Van Thal's death Clarence Paget edited the series, from volume twenty-six until its demise with volume thirty in 1989. Screaming Terror published under the Arthur Baker imprint is a collection from the first three Pan Book of Horror Stories and is also edited by Herbert Van Thal.

Pan Book of Horror Stories

The Pan Book of Horror Stories was a paperback series of short horror story anthologies published by Pan Books Ltd. The series ran to thirty volumes, the first published in 1959. The series was initially collected and edited by Herbert Van Thal. On Van Thal's death Clarence Paget edited the series, from volume twenty-six until its demise with volume thirty in 1989. Screaming Terror published under the Arthur Baker imprint is a collection from the first three Pan Book of Horror Stories and is also edited by Herbert Van Thal.