
In Indian religions, Patala or Patal (Sanskrit: पाताल, Pātāla) denotes the subterranean realms of the universe - which are located under the earth. Patala is often translated as underworld or netherworld. Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical text, refers to Southern Hemisphere of the earth as Patala whereas the northern hemisphere is referred to as Jambudvipa. In Vajrayana Buddhism, caves inhabited by asuras are entrances to Patala; these asuras, particularly female asuras, are often "tamed" (converted to Buddhism) as dharmapala or dakinis by famous Buddhist figures such as Padmasambhava.


In Indian religions, Patala or Patal (Sanskrit: पाताल, Pātāla) denotes the subterranean realms of the universe - which are located under the earth. Patala is often translated as underworld or netherworld. Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical text, refers to Southern Hemisphere of the earth as Patala whereas the northern hemisphere is referred to as Jambudvipa. In Vajrayana Buddhism, caves inhabited by asuras are entrances to Patala; these asuras, particularly female asuras, are often "tamed" (converted to Buddhism) as dharmapala or dakinis by famous Buddhist figures such as Padmasambhava.