Patriarch of Venice

The Patriarch of Venice (Latin: Patriarcha Venetiarum, Italian: Patriarca di Venezia) is the ordinary bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice. The bishop is one of the few patriarchs in the Latin Church of the Catholic Church (currently three other Latin sees are accorded the title of Patriarchate: Lisbon, the East Indies and Jerusalem). Presently, the only advantage of this purely formal title is the bishop's place of honor in papal processions. In the case of Venice an additional privilege allows the patriarch, even if he is not a cardinal, the use of the colour red in non-liturgical vestments. The red biretta, however is still topped by a tuft, as is the custom with other bishops who are not cardinals.

Patriarch of Venice

The Patriarch of Venice (Latin: Patriarcha Venetiarum, Italian: Patriarca di Venezia) is the ordinary bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice. The bishop is one of the few patriarchs in the Latin Church of the Catholic Church (currently three other Latin sees are accorded the title of Patriarchate: Lisbon, the East Indies and Jerusalem). Presently, the only advantage of this purely formal title is the bishop's place of honor in papal processions. In the case of Venice an additional privilege allows the patriarch, even if he is not a cardinal, the use of the colour red in non-liturgical vestments. The red biretta, however is still topped by a tuft, as is the custom with other bishops who are not cardinals.