Pediatric Oncall

Pediatric Oncall is a pediatric organization as well as online pediatric journal and child health platform. This organization has a large editorial board with experts in various fields of pediatrics as their reviewers. Pediatric Oncall offers free medical advice for both doctors and parents as well publishes its own journal called as Pediatric Oncall Journal. For practicing physicians, the website serves as a free source of updating themselves. The site is an informative as well as interactive platform for doctors and parents offering information on various diseases, vaccines, nutrition, home-made remedies, and even a forum to post one’s queries to a doctor

Pediatric Oncall

Pediatric Oncall is a pediatric organization as well as online pediatric journal and child health platform. This organization has a large editorial board with experts in various fields of pediatrics as their reviewers. Pediatric Oncall offers free medical advice for both doctors and parents as well publishes its own journal called as Pediatric Oncall Journal. For practicing physicians, the website serves as a free source of updating themselves. The site is an informative as well as interactive platform for doctors and parents offering information on various diseases, vaccines, nutrition, home-made remedies, and even a forum to post one’s queries to a doctor