Peel Fell

Peel Fell is the highest hill in the Kielder Forest region of England, making it the highest hill for several miles in each direction until the Cheviot Hills to the north-east are reached. Because of this, it has enough relative height to make it a Marilyn. It lies in both the county of Northumberland and the county of Roxburghshire, which is now governed by the Scottish Borders council, as the summit is on the border with Scotland. The Kielder Forest group of hills is large and sprawling. It includes two other Marilyns: Larriston Fells and Sighty Crag.

Peel Fell

Peel Fell is the highest hill in the Kielder Forest region of England, making it the highest hill for several miles in each direction until the Cheviot Hills to the north-east are reached. Because of this, it has enough relative height to make it a Marilyn. It lies in both the county of Northumberland and the county of Roxburghshire, which is now governed by the Scottish Borders council, as the summit is on the border with Scotland. The Kielder Forest group of hills is large and sprawling. It includes two other Marilyns: Larriston Fells and Sighty Crag.