Pennal Letter

The Pennal Letter was a historical letter by Owain Glyndŵr to Charles VI King of France .Owain composed the letter in Pennal, North Wales in 1406, and set out his vision of an independent Wales. The letter is regarded as unique as the only surviving written documentation detailing secular and religious policies for a potential independent Wales in the Middle Ages. The letter was briefly exhibited at the National Library of Wales in 2000, and a campaign has been founded for its permanent return and display at the National Assembly in Cardiff.

Pennal Letter

The Pennal Letter was a historical letter by Owain Glyndŵr to Charles VI King of France .Owain composed the letter in Pennal, North Wales in 1406, and set out his vision of an independent Wales. The letter is regarded as unique as the only surviving written documentation detailing secular and religious policies for a potential independent Wales in the Middle Ages. The letter was briefly exhibited at the National Library of Wales in 2000, and a campaign has been founded for its permanent return and display at the National Assembly in Cardiff.