Perl OpenGL

Perl OpenGL (POGL) is a portable, compiled wrapper library that allows OpenGL to be used in the Perl programming language. POGL provides support for most OpenGL 2.0 extensions, abstracts operating system specific proc handlers, and supports OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), a simple cross-platform windowing interface. POGL provides additional Perl-friendly application programming interfaces (API) for passing and returning strings and arrays.

Perl OpenGL

Perl OpenGL (POGL) is a portable, compiled wrapper library that allows OpenGL to be used in the Perl programming language. POGL provides support for most OpenGL 2.0 extensions, abstracts operating system specific proc handlers, and supports OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), a simple cross-platform windowing interface. POGL provides additional Perl-friendly application programming interfaces (API) for passing and returning strings and arrays.